Building Tech & Products
The Innovator's Journal: The Journey Of A Housing Start-Up
This is the first in five-part series from award-winning engineer Candice Delamarre, who with four Stanford University colleagues, created Kit Switch, a novel idea to convert unused offices into homes. Here's how.
Building Tech & Products
The Elon Musk Watch: An Austin 'Solar Neighborhood' By Design
Brookfield, Tesla, Dacra team up to launch a scale-able sustainable and attainable home and community development and construction model. Now comes the hard part. Doing it as promised.
Building Tech & Products
Here's A Robot That Solves For Prefab Wall Panel Spray Foam Insulation
Spray-R, a spin off from Chemovator, provides the solution which repeatably, safely, and swiftly applies spray foam insulation in offsite panel facility environments.
Building Tech & Products
Wood And Fire Risk: Where Fallacy And Facts Meet Homebuilding
Here, from Construction Physics' Brian Potter, is an evidence-based look at one of new-home construction's more combustible debates.
Building Tech & Products
299K Job Openings Are Builders' Vicious-Circle Challenge
Hiring two people per minute every 8-hour-weekday for the next 300 days may sound like a pipedream, but it could be a strategy. Here's how to start.
Building Tech & Products
The Great Lumber Lag Of 2021: Here's Why High Prices Stick
A master-class in price stickiness applies not just to dimensional lumber, but to a number of materials and product categories with complex distribution channels.