Marketing & Sales Demand As Builders, Developers, And Investors Knew It, Is Evolving Economics housing demand, and consumer demand for homes have begun to decouple, and by 2030, demographics-as-destiny will be a bygone business and investment pillar.
Building Tech & Products 'Living With' The Supply Chain Crisis May Be A Last Best Option For construction supply woes, sellers and buyers choose to go-it-alone and keep close-to-the-vest at their own peril. Transparency and trust work as tools to learn to 'live with' supply disruption.
Building Tech & Products The Risk Of Labor Shortages Vs. The Opportunity To Diversify The rapidly-shrinking construction workforce exposes both a glaring threat and an enormous potential for transformative growth. Can the data drive action?
Land Will Real Estate Remap Value To Waterfront, Fire Zone Threats? A longer tail of implied promise in property's value may begin to trigger land price adjustments, contract modifications, etc. Here's why.
Land Land Valuation And The New Geography Of Catastrophe The future of housing and the future of home weave into the near-and-present peril around property and its value in a climate that is closing in.