TBDcustomer segmentation
Here Are The New Table Stakes For 2020s Retirement Meccas
Forbes' top 25 "Best Places to Retire in 2021" map a shifting geography of "next adventure" living for 55-plus present and future.
Building Tech & Products
The Future Is Now: Lead, Don't Wallow
The capability challenge, our Dream Team posits, can only be solved through the embrace of data, technology, process and a pivot to collaboration in a dog-eat-dog culture.
customer segmentation
Land 06.22.21
Here Are The New Table Stakes For 2020s Retirement Meccas
Forbes' top 25 "Best Places to Retire in 2021" map a shifting geography of "next adventure" living for 55-plus present and future.
Building Tech & Products 05.20.21
The Future Is Now: Lead, Don't Wallow
The capability challenge, our Dream Team posits, can only be solved through the embrace of data, technology, process and a pivot to collaboration in a dog-eat-dog culture.